11 Hardest BMX Bike Tricks

BMX biking is an extreme sport that takes a lot of skill and practice. There are many different tricks that BMX bikers can do, but some are harder than others. In this article, we will discuss 11 of the hardest BMX bike tricks. These tricks are not for the faint of heart, and only the most skilled and experienced BMX bikers should attempt them.

11 Hardest BMX Bike Tricks

In this section, we will take a look at 11 of the hardest BMX bike tricks and what it takes to perform them. While some tricks are easier than others, the hardest BMX bike tricks require a great deal of skill and practice. BMX bike tricks are becoming increasingly popular as the sport of BMX grows.

1. No Footer

In this section, we will be discussing the “1. No Footer” BMX bike trick, which is considered to be one of the hardest tricks to perform. BMX bike tricks are becoming increasingly popular as the sport of BMX grows. However, there are still many people who are unaware of the difficulties that come with performing these tricks. In order to successfully execute this trick, riders must have a strong understanding of balance and body positioning. This trick is often attempted by beginner BMX riders, but it is important to note that it is not as easy as it looks.

2. Tail Whip

2. Tail Whip

A tail whip is a BMX bike trick where the rider swings their body around the back of the bike while the bike remains stationary. The rider then catches the bike before it falls over and continues riding.

A tail whip is when you jump in the air and whip the back end of the bike around so that it comes back under you.
A tail whip is when you jump in the air and whip the back end of the bike around so that it comes back under you.

Tail whips are one of the hardest BMX bike tricks to master because they require a lot of coordination and balance. The rider must be able to keep the bike stable while they swing their body around it, and then have the timing and coordination to catch the bike before it falls over.

With practice, tail whips can be mastered and they are a great trick to impress your friends with at the skate park.

3. Truck Driver (360 Barspin)

The trick consists of a 360-degree spin of the bike’s front wheel while the back wheel remains stationary. The rider must have a strong upper body to perform this trick and must be able to maintain their balance throughout the entire spin. The truck driver is a BMX bike trick that is considered one of the hardest to perform.

4. Can Can and Nac Nac

They require a lot of coordination and balance. The Can Can and Nac Nac are two of the hardest BMX bike tricks.

5. Euro Table

The 5. Euro Table is one of the hardest BMX bike tricks. It is a variation of the 4. Table Top and is performed by riding up to a table top, then jumping off the back end and doing a 540 degree spin in the air. This trick is extremely difficult and requires a lot of practice and skill to master.

6. Invert

This move requires a lot of strength and balance, and is not for the faint of heart. The invert is a move where the rider goes from riding on the top of the bike to riding on the bottom of the bike, and vice versa. If you’re looking to impress your friends with your BMX skills, then learning how to do the invert is a must. In this section, we’ll be discussing the invert, which is one of the hardest BMX bike tricks.

7. Moto Whip

The trick involves the rider whipping the bike around their body while in mid-air. Moto Whip is a BMX bike trick that is considered one of the hardest to perform. This is a very advanced trick that should only be attempted by experienced riders.

8. Superman

The rider then grabs the back of the seat with both hands and pulls the bike up so that the front wheel is above their head. The rider then holds on to the bike with their legs and brings the bike back down to the ground. Superman is one of the most difficult BMX bike tricks. The trick is performed by riding the bike up a ramp and then jumping off the ramp and into the air. It requires a lot of strength and coordination to execute properly.

Superman is one of the hardest BMX bike tricks.
Superman is one of the hardest BMX bike tricks.

It is not recommended for beginners. only experienced riders should attempt this trick. This trick is extremely difficult and takes a lot of practice to master.

9. The 720

There are only a handful of riders in the world who can do this trick. It is a double back flip with a full twist. The 720 is so hard because it is a very technical trick that requires a lot of timing and precision. The 720 is one of the hardest BMX bike tricks.

10. Double Barspin

A double barspin is a BMX trick where the rider spins the handlebars two times while airborne. The trick is considered one of the hardest BMX bike tricks because it requires a lot of coordination and strength.

11. Indian Air

The Indian Air is a BMX bike trick that is considered one of the hardest to perform. It is a variation of the regular air trick, and requires the rider to be in a completely upright position with their feet on the pedals. The Indian Air was first performed by Mat Hoffman in the early 1990s, and has since been perfected by many other BMX riders.

The Final Word

The final word of this article is that BMX bike tricks are not easy. They require a lot of practice and dedication. However, once you master them, they are extremely rewarding.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the 11 hardest BMX bike tricks?

2. What makes these tricks so difficult?

3. Can anyone learn how to do them?

4. What kind of bike do you need to attempt these tricks?

5. What are some of the risks involved with doing these tricks?

1. What are the 11 hardest BMX bike tricks?

The 11 hardest BMX bike tricks are: bar spin, tailwhip, 360, double backflip, fakie bigspin, 540, backflip, bike flip, no-handed 360, no-footed can-can, and the double front flip.

2. What makes these tricks so difficult?

These tricks are difficult because they require a lot of skill and practice to master. They are also physically demanding and can be dangerous if not done correctly.

3. Can anyone learn how to do them?

Anyone can learn how to do these tricks with enough practice and dedication. However, it is important to note that some people may never be able to do them due to physical limitations.

4. What kind of bike do you need to attempt these tricks?

You will need a BMX bike to attempt these tricks. It is important to have a bike that is the right size and weight for you, as this will make the tricks easier to perform.

5. What are some of the risks involved with doing these tricks?

There are several risks involved with doing these tricks, including serious injury or death. It is important to be aware of these risks and take precautions when attempting these tricks.

Final thoughts

Overall, these 11 hardest BMX bike tricks are not for the faint of heart. They require immense skill, precision, and practice. For those willing to put in the work, however, they offer a chance to show off some serious BMX skills.