
Touring Bikes Versus Mountain Bikes – 13 Differences

When it comes to bikes, there are two main types that people tend to choose from: touring bikes and mountain bikes. While both types of bikes have their own unique benefits, there are also some key differences between them that you should be aware of before making a purchase. Here are 13 of the most notable differences between touring bikes and mountain bikes.

Is Cycling Low Impact? 15 Facts (+Tips)

Cycling is often thought of as a low impact activity, but is it really? Here are 15 facts about cycling and its impact on your body, plus some tips on how to make it as low impact as possible.

V Brakes Vs U Brakes – Differences + Which Is Better

Bicycle brakes are an essential component to the safety of the rider. There are two main types of brakes used on bicycles, V brakes and U brakes. V brakes are the more common of the two, however U brakes are gaining in popularity. So, what are the differences between these two types of brakes? And, which is better?

Podcasts to Binge-Listen While on a Bike Commute

If you’re someone who loves to listen to podcasts and also happens to commute by bike, then you’re in luck! This article will recommend some great podcasts to binge-listen to while you’re on your bike commute. Whether you’re looking for something to make you laugh, something to keep you entertained, or something to educate you, there’s a podcast out there for you. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with one of these great podcasts.

RBC: Political Campaign Supplies Sales Manager

In the current political landscape, campaign supplies sales managers are in high demand. Political campaigns are big business, and the right campaign supplies can make all the difference in a close race. RBC is one of the leading suppliers of campaign supplies in the country, and they are looking for a new political campaign supplies sales manager. The right candidate for this position will have a deep knowledge of the political process, a passion for campaign strategy, and a proven track record of sales success. If you think you have what it takes to be the next political campaign supplies sales manager at RBC, read on.

11 Genius Ways To Stand Up a Bike Without a Kickstand

If you’re looking for ways to stand up your bike without a kickstand, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll share 11 genius ways to do just that. From using a water bottle to propping up your bike against a tree, there are plenty of ways to keep your bike upright without a kickstand. So if you’re ready to learn how to stand up your bike without a kickstand, read on!

50+ Morning Cycling Quotes To Inspire And Motivate!

Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, we all need a little motivation from time to time. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favorite morning cycling quotes to help you get inspired and motivated for your next ride. From famous cyclists to everyday people, these quotes will remind you why you love cycling and help you push through when the going gets tough. So next time you’re feeling low on motivation, take a look at this list and remember why you started cycling in the first place.

14 Tips for Cycling Uphill For Beginners

Cycling uphill can be daunting for beginners, but it doesn’t have to be! With a little preparation and practice, anyone can master cycling uphill. Here are 14 tips for beginners to get started:

1. Start with small hills. Don’t try to tackle a huge hill on your first attempt. Start with a smaller hill and work your way up.

2. Get a good bike. A good bike will make a big difference in your ability to cycle uphill. Make sure you get a bike that’s comfortable for you and that’s designed for the type of riding you’ll be doing.

3. Practice. Don’t be afraid to practice cycling uphill before you take on a real hill. Find a safe place to practice, such as a park or a quiet street, and get used to pedaling and shifting gears.

4. Dress for success. Wearing the right clothes can make a big difference in your comfort level while cycling. Make sure you wear comfortable, breathable clothing and shoes that are designed for cycling.

5. Use the right gear. When you’re cycling uphill, you’ll want to use a lower gear than you would on level ground. This will make pedaling easier and help you maintain control of your bike.

6. Don’t overdo it. When you’re first starting out, don’t try to cycle too far uphill. Start with a shorter distance and work your way up.

7. Take your time. Don’t worry about going fast when you’re first starting out. It’s more important to focus on pedaling smoothly and maintaining your balance.

8. Stay relaxed. Tensing up will only make pedaling harder. Focus on staying relaxed and breathing evenly.

9. Watch your posture. Good posture will help you stay balanced and pedaling efficiently. Keep your back straight and your head up.

10. Use your whole body. When you’re pedaling uphill, you’ll want to use your whole body, not just your legs. Engage your core muscles and keep your arms and shoulders relaxed.

11. Keep your weight balanced. As you pedal uphill, your weight will shift forward. Be sure to keep your weight balanced over the pedals to maintain control of your bike.

12. Don’t lean too far forward. Leaning too far forward will make it harder to pedal and can cause you to lose your balance.

13. Look ahead. When you’re cycling uphill, it’s important to look ahead to where you want to go. This will help you stay focused and on track.

14. Enjoy the ride. Remember to enjoy the ride! Cycling uphill can be a great workout and a lot of fun.

RBC: New York City Bike Commuter

In recent years, biking has become a popular mode of transportation in New York City. For many commuters, biking is a convenient and efficient way to get around the city. RBC, a New York City-based bike commuter, is one of these commuters. In this article, RBC shares his experience biking in the city and offers tips for other bike commuters.